Team Unity

One common goal. That’s what our team possesses.
To re-imagine the way claims, accident management and automotive repairs are handled. To simplify and solve insurer and fleet problems through innovation. To create exceptional outcomes for our work providers and their customers.

Team Unity

We set out our philosophy so each team member understands how they contribute to Unity. The single most important asset of our business is our team. As a business we commit to know our team, support their professional development, take an interest in them and recognise their achievements.

We empower our team to make decisions and we are committed to develop future leaders. We do not delegate for the sake of it, nor do we micromanage, we trust and verify (as appropriate), guide and support, critique but not criticise. We will value and use the unique and diverse skills each of us bring to the team.

Actions speak louder than words, and we should expect this of each other.

We encourage creativity, innovation and new approaches in line with our mission vision and values. We will foster and nurture a culture of out of the box thinking wherever possible. We will be decisive and communicate clearly. We discourage procrastination for the sake of procrastination.

We will all play our part towards making and creating Unity a healthy, cheerful and productive workplace.

Unity will recognise and reward contributions, and ensure that individual and collaborative achievements are recognised.

If we do these things well, we develop pride. We want our team members to be proud of being part of Team Unity.

"Every day our team is excited to welcome customers and take them on a journey, hand-in-hand with friendliness and a can-do attitude. It doesn’t matter the situation, customers want a seamless experience and they want to know that we care.”
Rachael Anderson
General Manager Claims