Claims Management

Unity offers a range of claims management services.
These revolve around providing an outstanding customer experience, maximising conversion into a work providers preferred network, minimising drift post initial booking, and then managing the repair cost, cycle time and mobility costs.

Unity’s Claims Management

Unity offers two types of claims management services.

Direct insured claims: For Direct Insured Claims, Unity or the work provider handle the initial aspects of claim lodgement before Unity manages the end to end repair through either our Unity Preferred Repair Network or a work providers selected network.


Not at fault claims against a work provider: For Not At Fault Claims, Unity has pioneered this service as a means of intervening and minimising outrageous third party claims costs.

The core of Unity’s claim management service includes.

  1. The provision of exceptional customer service is at the heart of all we do. This involves frequent claim updates to both the customer and work provider so they can plan appropriately.
  2. A laser focus on providing customers with an uncompromised quality repair.
  3. Speed of service. Our years of experience have taught how to best prioritise our activities which increase conversion and reduce customer cost and inconvenience.

For direct insured claims.

Unity provides work providers customers with access to arguably Australia’s leading repair network. All the while Unity manages the claims and communications between the parties and minimises repair cost and repair cycle time. Where a customer requires a replacement car, Unity arranges this through its sister business UnityGo and manages all aspects of the hire car booking.

Unity achieves a conversion rate into its Unity Preferred Repair Network of between 85-90% for direct insured claims.

For not at fault claims against a work provider, Unity has become renowned as the industry leader in this field because of its industry leading conversion and work provider claims cost savings.

From the moment an accident has occurred and the not at fault party is identified, Unity cascades a series of actions to ensure the claimant is contacted within one hour. Unity has created and deployed its own unique IP around conversations for not at fault customers which sees Unity consistently achieving a conversion rate of 80-85%.