
Unity Claims Management provides an end to end assessing service.
Our point of difference is we actively work with our Preferred Repairer Network to manage cost of repairs for insurers and fleets, for all types of vehicles and machinery, and for all claim types.


Our mantra is ensuring repairs are commenced with SLA’s, managing repair time and achieving the right repair cost outcomes.

Unity’s assessing team have a unique blend of experience and expertise. All our assessors are trade qualified holding industry recognised credentials with experience in both panel shop and insurer industries. This unique mix of work experience means our assessors know how to unlock and eliminate waste.


Our assessing team works across the claims spectrum and are experienced in dealing with direct insured and not at fault claims, fleet, novated and under excess/high aggregate claims.

In doing so, they have years of experience making life easier for insurers, fleet managers, brokers etc.

We’re proud of our industry leading SLA’s.

  • 30 minutes – acknowledging a claim requires an assessment
  • 120 minutes – assigning an assessor
  • 24 hrs – complete assessment from receipt of estimate

Unity Assessing uses advanced assessing technology to ensure claims cost and cycle time is best managed whilst always considering supply chain influences. We handle not at fault claim estimates from non UPRN repairers appropriately and manage end of lease assessments to maximise a fleet owners return.

The Unity assessing platform reduces touch points which contributes to improved repair efficiencies and integrates with insurer legacy systems.

To find out more about assessing, use the form below.